Calendar Girls and Boys

Jon Stone

 Do you recognise this place??     -  Yes it's Ryka's - As it was in 1983. Honda were preparing their International Calendar for 1984, and we were invited to go along as 'extras' for the UK page - the month of February. 

Honda supplied the burger and chips and we provided our 'mean and moody' presence!  17 members from West London were joined by 3 from North London and John Mussett the parts manager at nearby Honda dealer, Tippetts

Honda supplied a model to promote their VF750 - later to be eclipsed by the VFR 750 in 1985/6  .

Sadly, some of these friends are no longer with us, but fond memories of them live on.                                                                       

We represented 'February

HOWL - famous throughout the world  😄

40 years on we still meet at the modern Ryka's

In 2021, ten HOC branches met up for 60th Anniversary celebrations at Rykas. Here is Charles with a specially prepared cake